+49 911 23980-870

The Website Builder

A website builder promises you will be able to create your own website without any previous experience. All it takes is a little time to familiarise yourself with everything. A promise that many providers keep. We have our own opinion. This is toujou.

The principle is simple: your website builder contains ready-made elements, and you simply position and change these to create your own, finished website. A kind of 'LEGO for your content'. The more blocks you use, the more detailed and better the results will be.

And for good results, you need a lot of imagination, a good guide, and plenty of blocks. Your content, images, texts, or products provide these blocks. LEGO sets the standard in the world of toys. How are things looking with your website builder?

Pros and cons of a website builder

Before you choose a website builder, a content management system, or a web design agency, you need to make a few basic decisions. In the case of a website builder, this means:


  • No or few costs
  • Get started immediately
  • Ready-made designs/templates
  • Various other benefits: support, community, tutorials, etc. We will not go into functions at this point.


  • Dependence on the provider: not possible to switch or cancel without losing your website
  • Limited scope for individual development
  • Good deal of work for the customer themselves: switching to an agency or a more professional solution mostly involves a new system

Conclusion: Leaving aside the question of functions and options, you choose a fixed partner with a website builder and are effectively tied to it (in terms of how it develops and its commercial success). In return, you get well-developed solutions and good value for money. For people, agencies, businesses, and institutions who cannot or do not wish to make this compromise, the only option until now has been a content management system. So far, it has been a major balancing act. This is toujou.

TYPO3 content management system as a »Website Builder«

toujou is somewhere between a website builder and individually programmed websites. Made to be used as a website builder. Devised to provide the basis for individually developed websites. With toujou, you get a preconfigured system, including the design and conceptual structure, so you can quickly get started with your own website on a sustainable footing.

And all the options remain open to you in future too: you will be working in TYPO3 from the off and be able in future to develop your toujou configuration on your own – as you see fit or as dictated by how your business develops.

Arrange a TYPO3 demo

»Try before you buy« – security of investment, strategic flexibility, design, technology: our non-binding TYPO3 demo answers all the questions you (will) have about toujou over the course of 30 to 60 minutes.

Arrange a TYPO3 demo

No toujou? Then come this way: classic website builders

You are not being offered a free website, but a professional service for businesses and agencies. We have been working on individual websites since 2000, and toujou is the result of many years’ experience and development. We are convinced that excellent results can only be achieved through professional service provision and technology, with you yourself making the choices. Here is a selection of some of the alternatives: